A Second Chance

© Maggy Horhoruw

With great devastations in the world we can easily lose hope of humanity. However, if we take time to look around we can still find great things that lift up our hope. During my visit to Antigua Guatemala for a photojournalism workshop with Foundry in July 2014,  I sort of stumbled upon this gem that is hidden in the town of Santa Maria de Jesús, about 10 km from Antigua under the slopes of Volcán de Agua. Nueva Vida is a school for children with disabilities founded by an American nurse, Judy Kerschner.

After spending a few hours with Judy over coffee and lunch, at the school and also at her cozy home, I come to admire her for taking the chances to start a new life in a new country. In pursuit of peace and happiness, Judy strengthened her relation with God and found her calling. Through her commitment I think Judy gave herself and the children a second chance to enjoy life as she believes God has planned for them.

This photo series only show some highlights during my brief visit to the school. To learn more about the school and to donate, you can click here.

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